Outcomes of Prematurity
/Many international adoptees were born preterm. Premature birth is a risk factor for a number of medical and developmental outcomes, including significant disabilities like mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and profound vision or hearing loss. More subtle, but often functionally significant outcomes like early developmental delays, attentional problems, sensory integration/behavioral regulation issues, and school difficulties are also seen. The degree of prematurity, birthweight, and severity of early newborn complications all impact the risk for these outcomes.
Prematurity Resources:
- Outcomes of Prematurity (1.8 MB - big download) - a textbook chapter that nicely reviews the developmental outcomes of prematurity, with good statistics and tables
- Developmental Outcomes of Premature, Low Birth Weight, and Medically Fragile Infants - a good review article from Medscape (free registration required)
- Prematurity.org - Preemie Parent Information and Support